Selfish people at workplace

You know you meet all kinds of people in your workplace - good, better, bad, selfish etc.
While everyone is selfish to a certain extent, there is a thin line which when crossed makes you too self-absorbed and arrogant. For example, some people will always cut you short and try to air their grievances.

They will dislike and devalue you if you don’t buy into their "superiority" or "their truth". While its true every coin has two sides, such people only know and believe their coin has one side - only which they want to see. They always believe they are a victim and not a contributor when things go wrong. It's true that employer support is needed but such people fail to acknowledge that they should do the job for which they were hired with efficiency. They will never take ownership for their actions and always try to play the blame game. I know we all fear that taking responsibility for errors or mistakes will harm our careers or make us look bad but shifting the blame won't solve anything.

A few studies suggest following are the common signs of a 'Blame' culture:
  • Frequent arguments about 'responsibilities'
  • Emails sent to the stakeholders criticizing co-workers
  • Mistakes are blamed on a specific person - 'scapegoat'
Overtime, this kind of behavior leads to false accusations, prejudices, losing trust with customers, etc. Moreover the team members lack creativity and lose motivation to work in such an environment.

The only way to deal with such people is to accept that they are self-centered and will never be considerate towards their fellow workers. It is also important to remind such people that the world doesn't revolve around them. Also, selfish people always ask for favors, but don't let them walk all over you. Limit the time you spend together. Although agreed, the biggest concern for any organisation should be when their most passionate people become quiet, it is absolutely okay to let disloyal & selfish people with above characteristics go. Afterall, people who aren't loyal to their organization do not deserve to be trusted in the first place. 

Source: Pinterest

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