Find your own happiness 💖

We get so worried about chasing happiness that we end up missing out on happiness altogether.
I was always running behind living the perfect life, having what others had, be it in my professional or personal life.
I was always switching jobs so I could have more money just to enjoy life more. It’s very difficult to come out of this cycle. The lack is always gonna be there. I still have enough money to afford a good life and enjoy luxuries yet I’ll always be in short of money for achieving something bigger.

My mental health was so deeply affected because of these thoughts as I was always consumed in counting what I didn’t have and how badly I wanted it.
I wanted to have that body, have that dress, have that kind of a relationship, have such friends, have a job abroad, have this, have that - the list would just go on 😓 After years of beating myself up I’m actually realizing what a waste of time it is to indulge in such a thought process - but this realization doesn’t come overnight. It comes after a lot of negative self talk, blaming, questioning, answering, arguing, analyzing within oneself. You get to that place gradually where you realize that you should stop waiting for that magical moment of bliss and start enjoying whatever little fragments of happiness you can find in your everyday life.

It's the rainy nights spent curled under the blankets with a good book or maybe watching your favourite show. It's the feeling you get in your stomach when you've laughed so hard over a cup of tea. It's licking chocolate off your fingers. It's the solo dance parties in your room or bathroom at 3am. It’s meeting your friends over the weekend or spending time with your family. It’s simply scrolling by your phone or talking to someone. It’s cleaning your place or watering your plants.
It's the little moments, just those. That's what life's all about 😊

Find your own happiness ❤️

📸: Pinterest
