Covid-19 sucks!

I have mixed feelings right now with everything that is going around in the world.

Last 2 months have been so difficult for me and my family. All of us contracted coronavirus, parents got admitted, all those physical and mental symptoms, the stress and difficulty finding a bed for parents, that entire phase, the way helplessness creeping in cannot be expressed in words.

It’s heartbreaking witnessing all that is going on around me.

I have not seen or heard so many deaths in my whole lifetime than the numbers i’ve heard since past few months. Every other person is losing their loved one.

So many people are dying only because of mere lack of resources - be it hospital beds, oxygen supply, medicines, or something as basic as food.

All I realised is the virus is as deadly for all age groups. Plus the post effects and trauma it leaves is probably irreversible. 

I realised to value my own body, I never consciously felt grateful for something as simple as my lungs functioning properly. I learnt to value people around me, my own family, friends. I learnt to be kind because every other human is fighting their own battles.

I learnt to face my anxities instead of sulking over it. I learnt to take difficult choices and decisions. I learnt how vulnerable I am. I learnt so many medical terms and conditions about human body.  I am learning to cook food. I learnt what things are important in life and hold true meaning.

But is only the government only to be blamed ? Didn’t we fail as a citizen ? Parties, weddings, vacations, no masks, no social distancing - we fucked it up, didn’t we ?

On the other hand, there’s much to be grateful for as well - the fact that I have a roof to live and I am alive sitting here is more than enough. The list is obviously endless.

Never in my lifetime had I imagined I would be witnessing such a horrifying phase.

I sincerely pray the world is healed soon 🙏
