
Little by little, day by day, I'm healing.
In this time of a pandemic where all of us are stuck in our homes, I decided to work on myself. Because, come on, I had so much time to revisit that little girl, talk to her, listen, understand, scold and heal her. I decided to revisit all those wounds which were brushed under the carpet by me over the years.
And boy, thats a tough job. 
The biggest saviour for me has come out to be EFT tapping. 
Digging up everything from the past, even those matters which I thought I had gotten over were there right in front of me as if slapping me so hard. All this along with everything going on currently in my life.
I've learnt to understand myself a lot, literally A LOT!
I'm slowly and steadily moving from a 'Why me ?' mentality to 'healing myself' mentality.

All we should remember is a wound is not our fault but healing is definitely our responsibility.
