What is the one thing that makes a difference in people's lives ?

Why is it that some people are so happy while others are living a horrible life, some are so rich and others barely have a roof or a piece of bread, some are so successful in their career while others are a big failure, some enjoy harmonious relationships of all sorts while others crave for harmony their entire life ?

Whats the one big factor that differentiates people of these kind ?

In my opinion, the answer is 'Emotional Fitness'. Yes, thats the number one factor that changes one's life 360 degrees.

How much can an individual who is unfit emotionally contribute in a relationship ? How much can he give in any relationship with anybody ?
How much self worth will an individual have when he is emotionally unwell ? And this contributes to be a major factor of unfit physical health.
How much efforts will an individual be able to put in his career life when he has an unstable emotional health ? What will be the quality of decision making in such a case ?

When you're emotionally unfit, you have no balance of your emotions, You start expecting more and giving less, You lack self confidence and decision making capabilities, You find Changes difficult, You develop an unhealthy way of living, You start being judgemental about people & situations, You find it difficult to forgive, You become the most ungrateful person, etc.

What we often fail to understand that no matter what life puts in our platter, it is always a choice made by us that makes or breaks us. Happiness is an inside job.

Here are a few steps you can follow in your everyday life to strengthen your emotional health:

1. Laugh more: Sounds simple but we fail to practice it. Embrace beauty in the little things in life and laugh your heart out.
2. Be Grateful: Thats the number one thing that can change your life. I already have a separate blog on the importance of gratitude. Click Here To Read It
3. Forgive others: The biggest mistake a person can make is drinking the poison himelf and expect others to get affected by it. Thats what unforgiveness does to you. Practice forgiveness on a regular basis for anyone and everyone.
4. Forgive yourself: For all the decisions made by you, for all choices made by you all your life, acknowledge the fact that you did your best that you could at that time and forgive yourself.
5. Create Goals: Creating goals, both short term and long term, and a proper planning towards achieving them makes you more focussed and motivates you to take actions. Also appreciate yourself when you achieve your goals, it helps in boosting your self confidence.
6. Enhance Self Image: Acknowledge that you are unique and powerful. If you are someone who has a low self-esteem, practice various exercises which boost your self worth and esteem such as affirmations, meditation, mirror work, etc.

So guys, wake up and workout - physically and mentally, because what is that extra hour of tossing and turning going to achieve compared to a solid workout ?
And remember,

The Part can never be well unless the whole is well.
