A beautiful lesson by him..

Boyfriend(then) taught me a very important lesson in life - Always give more!
We all know the beautiful quote by Anne Frank,
No one has ever become poor by giving..
Such a beautiful feeling it is to give and be of service to others. He always motivated me to preach giving more to people. It meant simple acts such as teaching someone a skill I know, being there for someone, doing a favor for someone without expecting anything in return, donating money, sharing my stuff., etc.
I feel giving can also simply mean giving kindness and gratitude to people around. I know these sound simple yet fill you with so much peace when practiced.
You can be weak yet be kind, you can be be poor yet still give love, you can be hurting yet give a smile. True power lies in giving, isn't it ?
Here I sit, listening to random songs, remembering good old days, silently appreciating the chance of having crossed paths with him and learning a beautiful lesson :)
