
Before you read on, SMILE now 😊

Smiling is something we are not instructed or told to do, its something very obvious in our lives. Why is it then we do not give this little smile even if it doesn't cost us anything ?

A smile is the only thing that gains its value after it is given.

Let's explore what smiling does to us:
➡ Makes you feel good
➡Helps you be more Atractive
➡It's contagious
➡Smiling lowers stress and anxiety
➡You'll be more approachable
➡Smilings releases endorphins
And many more....

Smile, because it's the key that fits to the lock of everybody's heart.
Make someone SMILE whenever you can, you never know how much of a difference you could make in their life at that moment.

Smile, because your eyes sparkle when you do.
And, focus on giving smiles away, you'll discover that your own smiles will always be in great supply.

You'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just SMILE 😄
