Lessons My First Job Taught Me

Hey Folks! I am here to share a few lessons that my first job taught me. Do comment and share your experiences as well at the end of the blog. 😄

You do not always end up writing lengthy codes to earn your living.

Well, coming from an engineering background i always had a perception that i would land up in

an IT giant one day only to write lengthy codes and programs and thats the only work i'll be

expected to do. Little was i aware about the various domains and technologies one could learn

and pursue for a job after B.E. which i learnt when i started my job. There is so much variety

when it comes to work into the IT after B.E. than the typical jobs which we are taught will be

expected out of us.
And yes, all of these jobs hold equal dignity and hardwork than a typical programmer job would.

 You are not less than anyone.

The most important lesson that i learnt in my first job was to believe in my own strengths and

capabilities. We often strive to get ahead of others in terms of marks/ranks during our

graduation that we develop an attitude of always becoming better than 'someone else' and

gradually decrease our self worth in this process. In reality, I am so grateful to my first job

that it taught me the power of showing courage and believing that i am not less than anybody

out there. All of us are unique and powerful in our own ways, with different patterns of

working and living life, with different perceptions, with different capabilities and tale which

we can else.

 You cannot compare yourself to anyone else but only to a previous version of you.

This point actually comes in continuity with the point stated above. We often tend to compare

ourselves with people working with us. What we miss to undertand is that it is not age or

position that defines who is better than whom. We often notice in the IT industry that people

younger than us earn are at better packages than us, people younger are managers while people

elder to them serve under those managers. It is not our age but sheer performance that counts

which is why i state that we should always compare ourselves only to a previous version of

ourselves. Only then, true growth happens.


What is commitment ? Your pledge to dedicate to a certain course/work/policy etc.
Thats an important lesson which we learn in our first job. Our commitment to be on time, our

commitment to complete a target, our commitment to do the job given to us, our commitment to

finish off things on time without compromising the quality, our commitment to ourselves that

we'll give our best, etc. are very few of the various commitments we make on the work front.

 Pleasing people.

I know I know, people will accuse me of being myself and not pleasing anybody. Well this point

that i am stating is more from the Clients/Seniors/Managers/Colleagues perspective. We learn to

please our clients which we deal with during projects. We also learn to please our co-workers,

be it colleagues or managers which we otherwise wouldn't wish to even talk to. We learn to

please people to ensure that we have a smooth ride in that journey at workplace. Life will

often put us in situations where this lesson serves as a weapon to save ourselves 😎

 Not everybody who smiles at you is your friend.

No wonder! Life always teaches us this lesson in every phase but it is in your first job that

you learn this lesson the most. There are very few out of the many hundreds/thousands you work

with whom you'll label as your friend - a friend for life! It is not everybody we come across

or deal with that we can consider friends. So, Be careful whom you trust and yes darling, do

not hesitate to cut people off your life or walk away if they don't serve you without any


 Letting Go.

The most important lesson that i learnt was how to let go. Be it work frustration, or

unpleasant experiences, or unfavourable people, or unfair decisions, or relations with people

no longer serving you, or anger, or resentment - just anything! Being unaffected and standing

bravely facing situations without giving a damn (unless i am required to work on myself or take

actions) is what my first job taught me. And, it is very healthy in reality to let go off

anything that doesn't serve you. And yes my dear friend, that should not let that spark in you

go 😉

 Making a living even in very little amount at hand.

No wonder, everybody learns this valuable lesson at their first job. How to cut off things from

your list and only spend your income on the most important stuff is one learns in this phase of

life. We learn cost-cutting and cost management really well. We also eventually learn to save

money and understand the difference between easy spending and healthy spending.

Well, these were few major lessons i learnt during my first job. Of Course this learning doesn't

end and our job teaches us new lessons everyday.

P.S. I am in my second job now and that too has managed to teach various lessons already, Sigh!
