
You know I sometimes wonder if I am oversharing on social media. I keep having these doubts from time to time but last night when I was all by myself, going through all the old instagram stories, highlights, pictures - I felt so nostalgic remembering all the trips I’ve gone too, all things I’ve done, all people I’ve crossed paths with.

I had a big smile on my face seeing all those memories - yes, that’s what they are right, just memories! I felt so happy when I remembered all my friends who I’ve lost touch with, all my roommates, all those ex colleagues, cousins, families, friends from school/college who I used to think I would never be able to live without! I even felt embarassed about some old life decisions, felt pity as well as angry but that’s all okay because I wasn’t stupid or dumb, just unaware 🙃

Life just happens and you lose contact with so many people, some naturally and some deliberately.
Someone has rightly said, “We take photos as a return ticket to moments otherwise gone”.

Today, everything that I post, all the happy moments will be a long lost memory after a few years when maybe I would be going through these pictures over a cup of tea 😊

📸: Pinterest
‘Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming.’

Follow me on Instagram: Uncensored Happiness
