Speaking my mind

There was this phase in my life where I was under medication for depression. I'll keep the depression story for another post. Before this period, I was a shy, timid, naive human. But, as I started recovering, trying to be off-medications, and regain sanity, I started doing a lot of work on improving myself. Obviously, it was therapy plus a lot of self effort put in.

All this lead to me developing this habit of just being myself & speaking my mind. I started being honest or straight forward rather about anything & everything because I didn't have the energy to fake anything anymore. But here's the catch. I started appearing rude, blunt and immature to people around me.

There's still a part of me which doesn't want to socialise and wants to avoid human interactions as much as possible, a reticent person. But, I try to overcome that aspect of my personality little by little each day. I initiate conversations on my own, try to mix up with people, make new friends, etc. and come out of my comfort zone a little each day. I try to be humorous to 'fit-in' in conversations and appear cool. This is why I've started speaking my mind - what's in my mind is exactly what comes out of my mouth, unadulterated.

This isn't going well with those around me. I've recently joined this new organisation and it is obviously not working in my favor because I am being judged negatively. People need to understand that always speaking my mind indicates that I express whatever comes to my conscience when speaking, whereas meaning everything I say implies my views  - and there's a huge difference between the two. Maybe, I speak a little extra sometimes and this is where I need to stop because trying to act cool makes me appear foolish. I just have to accept what I am and who I am rather than trying to fit in.

The lesson I'm taking away from all this is it is never bad to speak your mind as long as you can convey your perspective with rationality and dignity. Just because you have an opinion on something does not mean you need to share it. Being honest doesn’t validate what you have to say.

So, a note to self hereafter is, "Shut the fuck up and mind your own business because people judge you for being a person you're not".

Source: Pinterest
