
I feel very sad to write this, but studies reveal that 'India is one of the most depressed country in the world.'


  • 36% Indians are depressed(last recorded as of October 2017, source-WHO)
  • 371 people kill themselves everyday(last recorded as of October 2017)
  • Depression and mental illness will be the number 2 cause of death in the world
  • Average age of depression is 30, women are more prone to depression than men
  • Almost half of India's youth suffers from Depression
  • 1 suicide every hour in the age bracket between 18 and 29 happens in India
  • 6,675,969 people suffer from depression in India(recorded as of 2015, source-WHO)
  • 42.5% of corporate employees in India suffer from Depression(source-Assocham)

When i read about these numbers online, i was shocked! Its a big revelation at least for me!

The first question is 'Why do we see depression happening to the other ?' Oh Depression ? - no no, its not me its somebody other that is suffering from it, this happens to other people.

Technically, Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. It negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.

Most of us are embarrassed and fear to be judged! Even if we come to know that we are depressed, we fear medication or treatment.

Also, there is denial. We do not easily accept mental illness as we accept a physical illness.

Today, we are becoming technology and gadget addicts to cover up depression. In fact, I read somewhere that a recent study shows that you can merely predict by the color of a person's Instagram or Facebook pictures if he is depressed!

We fail to accept we are depressed as openly as we accept we have a cold or a throat infection. How many times have you opened up honestly to someone's 'How are You doing?' with 'I feel really Depressed, i need help'.

We, in India, have been raised such that we live under pressures of the society, get haunted by various emotions such as guilt, shame, ego, fear, lack of acceptance and thus we often fail to call for help.
Even my personal experience with Depression has been the same. I remember I had let the people in my surroundings know quite late after i had started taking medication and professional help about my illness and as expected, i got mixed reactions - some said are you a fool, why do you need medication, look at you, you're absolutely fine, you have a good job, a good social life, you earn, all good with your family, while there were some who just responded in the most typical way, 'Oh i understand!' which i bet they never did.
But i had gained this courage with a lot of efforts and i had decided that i need to work on myself and look i am totally fine today.

So, Its my sincere request to you, whoever reading this, If you feel you need therapy or counselling, please DO NOT hesitate to seek help from Professionals. Do it not for anybody else but for yourself.

The Bravest Thing You can do is to continue to Live when you want to Die!
